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The Sacred Balance - Coming Home

Meeting basic physical needs is just a beginning for human well being. Beyond these we have yet another — one that is just as vital to our long-term health and happiness. It is a need that encompasses all the rest; an aspect of human life that is so mysterious it is often disregarded or denied. Though we sometimes call it love, it is in fact more than that. Like air and water, fire and earth, we need spiritual connection; we need to understand where we belong.

David Suzuki begins his search for answers in the high Arctic, along the northern tip of Baffin Island, eleven hours by snowmobile from the tiny community of Pond Inlet. Here, traveling on their annual Spring hunt, the Inuit community must band together to survive. These people are intuitively connected to their surroundings, sharing knowledge, food and love.

With E.O. Wilson, ethnobotanist Wade Davis, and Harvard psychologist, Sarah Conn.

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