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Browse Films

Showing 1 - 10 of 46 titles with a criteria of Subject is Biodiversity

5x5: Voices of Change from the Forests of Indonesia + Hope: Indigenous Climate Change Solutions

Five short films from Indigenous communities across Indonesia show their response to threats to their forests posed by miners, loggers, palm oil plantations and global warming. In the sixth film a Dayak Iban community inspires hope as it offers a simple solution to the global climate crisis.

  This title has one or more clips.

Face to Face Media | 2008 | 37 minutes

Arrows Against the Wind

West Papua, the "Amazon of Asia" is a vast tropical rainforest that has been occupied for  25,000 years.  The Dani and the Asmat people have lived in spiritual harmony with the land for millennia. Now they are threatened by Indonesia's policy of assimilation and the destruction of their lands. This title has one or more clips.

Face to Face Media | 1993 | 52 minutes

Bad Coyote

Its new, its fearless, and its very real. A hybrid type of coyote, thought to be part wolf, has migrated to Eastern Canada.

National Film Board of Canada | 2013 | 52 minutes

Big Spuds, Little Spuds

The impact of climate change and monoculture on one of the world's staple food crops.

Bullfrog Films | 1999 | 52 minutes

Biomimicry: Learning from Nature - Part 1

Using natural processes as the model for agriculture and business.

Bullfrog Films | 2003 | 44 minutes

Biomimicry: Learning from Nature - Part 2

Advances in materials and medicine based on research into natural processes.

Bullfrog Films | 2003 | 44 minutes

Black Market

The sale of bear paws, crocodile hearts, and other rare animal parts form the world's third-largest illegal market. Black Market explores the human passions and ancient beliefs that drive the trade and threaten its most endangered species.

MediaStorm | 2007 | 11 minutes

Brazil's Women Warriors

* New title added January 2023 *
If Not Us Then Who?  Film 6 of 7 

400,000 women harvest the nuts of the babassu palm, which is used to produce soap, oil, bread, charcoal,and cosmetics, providing them a modest living. When access to the trees was denied, a movement began.

Face to Face Media | 2014 | 8 minutes

Building a Longhouse as a Cultural Center

* New title added January 2023 *

If Not Us Then Who?  Film 2 of 7 
Kynan Tegar, a young Indigenous filmmaker, documents a cultural revival and the consruction of a traditional longhouse for the first time in 50 years.

Face to Face Media | 2021 | 12 minutes

Creatures of the Sun

The ecology of the painted turtle.

Bullfrog Films | 1998 | 24 minutes