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Short Experimental Films 2022

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International Shorts Programs features short experimental dance films from Canada, U.S., Australia, Belgium, France, Germany, Iran, Netherlands, Singapore, United Kingdom.

On Mending, Dir. Shawn Fitzgerald Ahern, Emilie Louise Leriche, Italy,14:55,Color
In Plain Sight, Dir. Tanin Torabi, Iran,10:30, Color
Evidence of it All, Dir. Drew Jacoby, USA, 9:12, Color
Amarinthe(馬不停蹄), Dir. Chen Jiexiao, Singapore, 15:06, Color
Ephemera, Dir. Viliam Dočolomanský, Jiří Matoušek, Czechoslovakia,19:59, Color
desasosiego, Dir. Aina Lanas, Spain, 6:25, Color
Elsewhere, Dir. Madison Olandt, Mike Tyus, USA, 17:00, Color
Child of the Screen, Dir. Nathan Hirschaut, USA, 5;20, B/W
Buoyancy, Dir. Jessica Liu, Germany, 10:30, Color
Edge of Mercy, Dir. Robbie Shaw, Jennifer Rose, USA, 6:56, Color
Black.Eco, Dir. Shauna Davis, United States, 12:00, color
Still Life - 'Interitus' / 'Tabeo' / 'Vanitas', Dir. Ryan Renshaw, Australia, 14:57
Ostra, Dir. Austen Browne, United States. 7:35, color

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