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Miúcha, the Voice of Bossa Nova

View on the Pragda STREAM site

Known as the sister of Chico Buarque, the pupil of Vinicius de Moraes, the second wife of João Gilberto, the musical partner of Antônio Carlos Jobim, and the vocal accompaniment to Stan Getz’s saxophone, Miúcha was overshadowed by the male musicians in her life. But Miúcha’s vibrant spirit couldn’t be held back; she earned unprecedented success, becoming a symbol of female resilience and a musical legend forever.

A tour de force, Miúcha, The Voice of Bossa Nova spans over 20 years. Spanning from1960s Paris to 1980s Rio de Janeiro, the film explores the social and political changes of this period through the lens of Miúcha’s experiences as a woman and her struggles finding a voice in a man’s world.

With Miúcha’s own narration, readings from her letters, her expressive watercolor drawings animated for the film, and magnificent music, the documentary offers a front-row seat to the history of Bossa Nova and an intimate tale of one of the most important female figures of the movement.

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